Sunday 26 May 2013


Farm Mechanisation  means the use of mechanical implements for  farming instead of the traditional simple methods involving human and animal labour :
It is  a well – known fact that farm mechanization promotes the productivity in agriculture . No. of field studies has shown that sowing , ploughing , fertilization , irrigation and harvesting can be done more efficiently and with less wastage with the help of machines . 

Drip irrigation , use of machines in seed distribution etc  . are few relatively new advantages that have also proved themselves . On looking at these factors it is boon   -  undoubtedly .
Another significant achievement of mechanization  is the reduction of cost in agricultural production . In the developed European countries mechanization made farm production a low cost affair .In fact this factor comes to them as a boon in this open market competition . Peak requirement of labour for  2 or 3 months duration due to the seasonal and monsoonal nature of many countries , is a known fact . Therefore , a search of labour arises . Mechanisation helps to overcome this phenomenon by reducing the requirement of labour during peak periods .
With the help of mechanization it has become possible to adopt multiple cropping practices . Completion of harvesting process in little time and quick vacation of fields from the standing crops has enabled the farmer to undertake multiple cropping practices .
It is often observed that under traditional agriculture base in wooden or iron ploughs , bullocks and other primitive implements , agriculture becomes mere subsistential . On the other hand use of tractors , pumpsets , harvesters and irrigation means changing the very nature of this subsistential practice . Infact , mechanization is a useful tool for transformation of subsistential occupation .
Therefore farm mechanization is more a boon than a curse .

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